
One friend in a storm is worth a thousand in sunshine

-- LiftRocket Team

Our inboxes are overflowing with messages of support for racial equality and justice. Many times the senders are big businesses not previously noted for the commitment to social causes. (Maybe their expressions are genuine or maybe they feel obligated to say something after years of denial. Maybe they just want you to keep buying their soap.) The death of George Floyd at police hands has struck a chord across our society like nothing else. We hope all of these sentiments are sincere and lead to lasting change.

We too asked ourselves what message should we deliver and, more importantly, what should we do? Our answer is to recommit ourselves to LiftRocket’s mission: to serve as a safety net and a springboard for households and small businesses overlooked by big financial institutions. Why? Because the people most likely to be left out of our financial system and denied funding look like George Floyd and the rainbow army protesting his death: nonwhite (though financial emergency respects no race or ethnic background), of modest means, without any special advantages in life, influence or connections.

This seems like the right time to redouble our efforts. Daily needs that cost money - keeping the lights on, auto repair, rent, medical bills - don’t go away when a pandemic breaks out or mass protests arise across the country. In fact, they become more pressing, because the normal ways that people earn a living are interrupted, even if the reason is to stop the spread of a pernicious virus or demand racial justice.

Our goal is to be a dependable all weather friend to every member. An old jibe at banks is that they’re only willing to lend you money when you don’t need it. We are organized to be the opposite of that. Leaning into a storm is what true friends do for each other. We’ll have to work harder than a bank to make this succeed, But we will never have to work hard to figure out what or whom we are for.